Sunday, November 2, 2008


Cameo mention of my photo prof/video prof/advisor, wooooo. This chick is so definitely in Fredonia. ...well, so far, anyway, we'll see what happens when I settle on the surroundings of the abandoned house.

I am - for the moment - slightly ahead of where my wordcount should be. (God I'm so scared to say that, I'm terrified I'll jinx something!) There *is* a graph that's supposed to be over in the sidebar there, but NaNo's website is always beaten ten feet into the ground the first few days of November. The picture should actually load in a few days, once half the participants have decided to be wimps and drop out.

And yes, I know I broke off in the middle of a thought with today's chunk. I haven't completely decided what her hair looks like yet, so I'm taking the rest of tonight to sort it out, and I will pick up there tomorrow. ^^;

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