I WIN!!! I was determined not to fail this year, since I won last year there was no reason I shouldn't make it work this year, and it really was easier this time I think. I had a few motivational tricks up my sleeve. I got a laptop. I found Write or Die. I ate waaaayy too many snacks and drank an awful lot of fruit-flavored sugar and caffeine. I LEARNED HOW TO SPELL CAFFEINE!!!
So, obviously, this novel has some pacing issues. Like a lot. I think what's going to need to happen, is the big chunks are going to get split up into little chunks and intermingled a bit more. Like there will be a liiittle bit of life at the Mayhews, a liiittle bit of photograph-making, a liiittle bit of the villa, and then each of those repeated. Because it's seriously disjointed and unconnected right now.
I think, though, that the timing will work out well. I've done the hard work of drawing the villa and all its rooms and general contents, so now I can take some time and decide what random little trinkets she's going to find, and how their stories are going to come out. (I also have some time to figure out what the HELL she is going to do about that key in the front door!!! I hadn't even THOUGHT of that complication, but Kris did, and it's really pissing me off because I have no idea what the answer is.)
I still don't feel like I know Kris all that well, but it's better, and at any rate I understand the world she's living in for the duration of the story, I can see all the places clearly in my head, and that's a big help.
Also, in regards to today's mega-post: holy crap I had NO idea coins had changed that much! I mean I guess I should have figured they would have, but, I only looked it up on a whim, knowing that wheat-ear pennies were around before the current ones with the Lincoln Memorial on them, and I didn't know quite the years on those. Lo and behold, coins have changed a LOT, even within the last hundred years. Literally, NONE of them are the same now as they would have been during the villa's occupancy. That's insane.
Now. I am making all sorts of ridiculous typos, and I am going to watch Sailor Moon and play on the Webkinz site and do all sorts of silly frivolous things while I toast my success with a glass of wine, and a plate of cheese and chocolates. To NaNo success!!!
P.S. As of right now, there are 18,000 more novel-length stories in the world than there were 30 days ago. I find that a pretty awesome thing to be a part of. :)

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